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Snowstorm45 August 11th, 2011 16:37

Asking a stupid import question
I've read the laws and regs and faqs, and all that, and I'm assuming this will be a no, but where do M203s stand in terms of importing? (In person or mail)

Disco_Dante August 11th, 2011 16:43

203s and shells are no-nos.

Snowstorm45 August 11th, 2011 17:06

Awe, oh well, thanks though. On holiday at relative's in Denmark and learned that my cousin has the exact M203 I need (RIS mount/short barrel) and wants to sell it. Silly invisible lines on the map :P I guess that's one more reason to get AV'ed though ;)

On that note (to anyone), how much would one usually go for in the classifieds? If you don't want to post it you can PM me :)

Disco_Dante August 11th, 2011 17:08

I just got a G&P 203 with a handguard for $200. I've seen them go up to $400 but those usually include shells.

What happens is people run them on propane, are disapointed with the performance, and sell em cheap to recoup their loss. Then I swoop in with my CO2 charger and happiness ensues. So you can usually find a few 203s on teh boards that are noticeably cheaper than the rest.

Snowstorm45 August 11th, 2011 17:38

Oh cool, thanks, now I know what to expect, save for, etc ;) I just gotta get the time to drive 2 1/2 hours to get AV'ed :/

Deadpool August 11th, 2011 17:47


Originally Posted by Snowstorm45 (Post 1515512)
Oh cool, thanks, now I know what to expect, save for, etc ;) I just gotta get the time to drive 2 1/2 hours to get AV'ed :/

It'S worth the trip!

Snowstorm45 August 11th, 2011 18:27

Oh I bet! I've just gotta figure out a day the guys down in Victoria are playing...

slink182 August 11th, 2011 18:29


Originally Posted by Deadpool (Post 1515521)
It'S worth the trip!

And some people fly halfway across the country for just ONE game! :confused: (Yeah, I'm looking at you Cnd_Stalker.) :D

Do the drive. Trust me, you will NOT be wasting your time. ;)

kalnaren August 11th, 2011 18:37


Originally Posted by slink182 (Post 1515543)
And some people fly halfway across the country for just ONE game! :confused: (Yeah, I'm looking at you Cnd_Stalker.) :D

Stalker stays where he is.

His BB's fly across the country to hit their target.

slink182 August 11th, 2011 18:44


Originally Posted by kalnaren (Post 1515549)
Stalker stays where he is.

His BB's fly across the country to hit their target.

puts Chuck Norris to shame... :rolleyes:
and I'm SO going to put that in my sig. :D

Reckless August 11th, 2011 23:53

snowstorm, theres an AV'er in Nanaimo .. and one in Duncan too .. they are new so I don't know if either are listed yet

ASC names are:

HGI - in nanaimo

Shaharov (gotta double check that spelling)- Duncan

Janus - Victoria

and I believe James is still listed for Victoria but his airsoft activity as of late has been very little.

Snowstorm45 August 12th, 2011 05:46

Oh cool, thanks for the AVer info, that page is never updated. I'll be doing this as soon as I can when I get back :D

Reckless August 12th, 2011 11:52

I dunno if Shaharov has updated this months game info and such on here... but if you get ahold of him theres a Game in Duncan on sunday 3pm-8pm ..

easiest way to get ahold of that group is on Facebook - Northern Arms Airsoft they usually have ATLEAST 2 games a month using both a private field and Midway paintball in duncan

there is a group relatively close to you in Uculet they were section 8 airsoft.. I think they changed their names though. they have a couple supposdily wicked private fields

SIR in victoria (my home group) run at the Victoria fish and game, with our own 'private' section of land ... close enough to active gun ranges that it adds a nice atmosphere LOL they run once a month

we also have a group from Saltspring Island that comes over to play in duncan and when we can we go over to their fields

and there are a couple people working on finalizing a private field in courtenay which looks like it'll be a pretty wicked venue

Snowstorm45 August 12th, 2011 12:29

Thanks a whole lot fot the info, I'll PM some AVers and hopefully I'll be AV'ed by September :D (I don't get back from Europe until the 21st)

Kuro_Neko August 14th, 2011 06:58

Something I didn't see mentioned regarding m203s so I thought I would: the price of the launcher is nothing compared to the cost of the shells. The price that Disco_Dante quoted is correct, $200-400 for the launcher is about right. But the major cost in running 40mm launcher is in the shells. You're going to be paying at least $70 a pop for them. More if you want the HP co2 ones. Shells will end up costing half again more then the launcher itself. So if you want a figure to aim for in saving it should be at least $500 and probably more like $700 for the launcher and shells together. As in all gas powered stuff, it doesn't pay to cheap-out on shells, Madbull or nothing.

Snowstorm45 August 14th, 2011 17:37

Thanks for the sheel price info, though I'm getting the M203 mainly because it's part of the M4 project I'm replicating. I'm certainly getting Madbull shells, but I'm only planning on having two, at least for a long while. :)

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