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Brian McIlmoyle October 27th, 2009 10:01


Originally Posted by WMK (Post 1092870)
Sorry for my newbie question but if I say Tent and don't show up, I'm bad then?

If you post Tentative you are just pissing off the host.. not sure.. don't post

NO ONE CARES if maybe you will come

IceTray October 27th, 2009 10:13

If posting as tent pisses off the host, is bothersome, whatever; then it should be up to the host whether or not they wish to even bother listing tents in the game thread, or paying attention to them.

If you don't want people signing up as "tent" then simply don't permit that as an option, leave it as confirmed, or not going, no middle ground of uncertainty, and if someone says "I might go, throw me on tent" ignore it.

As far as people confirming, and not showing up, or showing up hours late, well that one is just a dick move - usually.

DarkAngel October 27th, 2009 10:35


Originally Posted by memel (Post 1092659)
I find this darkly humorous considering the events at Wolfpack Primary a couple of years ago.

Humour is the only thing you can count on these days, isnt it :P
Unfortunately, this is why were having this discussion in the first place.

Shrike October 27th, 2009 10:58

I'm tentative on the issue.

Brian McIlmoyle October 27th, 2009 11:11


Originally Posted by IceTray (Post 1092954)
If posting as tent pisses off the host, is bothersome, whatever; then it should be up to the host whether or not they wish to even bother listing tents in the game thread, or paying attention to them.

If you don't want people signing up as "tent" then simply don't permit that as an option, leave it as confirmed, or not going, no middle ground of uncertainty, and if someone says "I might go, throw me on tent" ignore it.

As far as people confirming, and not showing up, or showing up hours late, well that one is just a dick move - usually.

All the "tent" posts do is clutter the thread.. pointlessly

Disco_Dante October 27th, 2009 12:09

Maybe its just pointless clutter to you as a game host, but to me as a player, I like to look through the thread and see that Larry and Curly are confirmed, and Moe might show up if he can get off work. It gives me a general idea of who I'll be seeing at the field.

CARL October 27th, 2009 12:34


Originally Posted by Disco_Dante (Post 1093006)
Maybe its just pointless clutter to you as a game host, but to me as a player, I like to look through the thread and see that Larry and Curly are confirmed, and Moe might show up if he can get off work. It gives me a general idea of who I'll be seeing at the field.


I agree with this post...

Disco_Dante October 27th, 2009 12:44

I agree with your Avatar. Sexiest man in the world holding a 1911? Mm-mm good!

Bissa October 27th, 2009 12:46

unless you have upwards of a hundred people showing up, a few people saying that they will try and get there probably is not going to clutter a thread so much that it becomes unusable.

Duckman October 27th, 2009 12:57


Originally Posted by Disco_Dante (Post 1093006)
Maybe its just pointless clutter to you as a game host, but to me as a player, I like to look through the thread and see that Larry and Curly are confirmed, and Moe might show up if he can get off work. It gives me a general idea of who I'll be seeing at the field.

will who MIGHT be there effect if YOU are going to show up? is this elementary school where you're only going to go if little billy is going to be there? or maybe you're not going cus little suzy might be there?

come on guys. tents only take up space and waste people's time reading about. i for one have no interest in who MIGHT be there but who WILL be there. if billy is there good, if suzy is there than with it.

Disco_Dante October 27th, 2009 13:03


Originally Posted by Duckman (Post 1093037)
will who MIGHT be there effect if YOU are going to show up? is this elementary school where you're only going to go if little billy is going to be there? or maybe you're not going cus little suzy might be there?

come on guys. tents only take up space and waste people's time reading about. i for one have no interest in who MIGHT be there but who WILL be there. if billy is there good, if suzy is there than with it.

That really has nothing to do with it. You need to be 18 to play airsoft most of the time. By that point in your life, you should be making your own decisions.

Duckman October 27th, 2009 13:07

SHOULD being the opoerative word. lets be realistic. that's not always the case.

other than to satisfy your curiosity, there's nothing usefull about posting anyone.

in any case, the seasoned hosts will ignore them for the most part so this is really mute.

cbcsteve October 27th, 2009 13:20

It is true Tents are of no use

Although I am still quite new to hosting games, I have stopped having a tent list cause I need to know WHO is confirmed, knowing who is confirmed lets me know if I should be spending my time hosting a game. If not enough people show up and we end up having a poor turnout that really kills it for me.

When Defcon started losing its regulars I stopped hosting cause it was not worth it anymore to host a game with only 3-4 people. I always get Tents at Defcon so I said forget it I am tired of maybe's showing up or not. I don't mind you dropping out cause of life reasons thats fine, we have all been there.

But Tents and people who confirm they are in but do not show and don't even give me a reason why really bug me, cause it shows they are not committed to having a game so why should I commit my time for you?

m102404 October 27th, 2009 13:30


Originally Posted by Disco_Dante (Post 1093006)
Maybe its just pointless clutter to you as a game host, but to me as a player, I like to look through the thread and see that Larry and Curly are confirmed, and Moe might show up if he can get off work. It gives me a general idea of who I'll be seeing at the field.


Originally Posted by CARL (Post 1093025)

I agree with this post...

Why don't you PM them then and find out? Keeps the threads clean ('cause for a structured event the host has to go back through them over and over as guys edit their posts to say In/Out...what team they're signing up for/etc...). If you want to chit chat with your buddies or favourite shooting partners take it to PMs or MSN or Facebook or twitter or *SHOCK* call them.

shiftsup October 27th, 2009 13:47

Is posting that you're 80% in for the event better than than posting "tent" or does that clutter the thread too?

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