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***shadow*** January 17th, 2009 17:59

Wow, really nice mtv, what price pls?

Vince January 17th, 2009 20:04

Too fucking much ;)

For 30$ more can get a REAL Spartan II on OPS Tactical. But they are very bulky units, much more than an IBA or any other vest.

Even Marines hate that vest and that's why the Marines are yet again looking for a new vest (there's the MCAV and Scalable armor currently in use in Afghanistan because they are much more streamlined and gives the troop better mobility without giving away too much protection)

I'll say it again, anyone who wants to use current USMC kit but doesn't want the bulkyness (because let's face it, very few people are in the physical shape that the Marines are) and weight, just buy an Eagle Ind. CMS-PC and add CIRAS shoulder padding and voila! You have an MCAV

Drake January 17th, 2009 20:44

Actually, as of early January, the MTV carrier is officially being replaced (plans are to keep the armor and replace the carrier; possibly the TAG Enhanced MTV).

As mentioned, the Eagle SPC is being used in Afghanistan right now by MEU and MTT.

Apparently most Marines aren't using their MTVs.

Capt. Tyco January 18th, 2009 04:03

What ever, I like the vest, and don't find it that bad to wear. It should be noted that the build quality is outstanding. Pantac really out did themselves. It is also true that if it were not for the holiday season I probably would not have spent the money.

And Vince:
1. Because the armor in the vest is not real (soft), and the plates are fake, weight is not a problem.

2. Without the side plates the vest feels no more bulky than my IBA.

Capt. Tyco January 18th, 2009 04:03

What ever, I like the vest, and don't find it that bad to wear. It should be noted that the build quality is outstanding. Pantac really out did themselves. It is also true that if it were not for the holiday season I probably would not have spent the money.

And Vince:
1. Because the armor in the vest is not real (soft), and the plates are fake, weight is not a problem.

2. Without the side plates the vest feels no more bulky than my IBA.

Vince January 18th, 2009 11:12

As long as you like it, that's what is important :D

I was just going out of my personnal preferences. But anyways most of the time I won't even play with body armor, FLC is still my favorite piece of kit.

immortalundead February 8th, 2009 14:29

here is my start to a force recon loadout, its still a heavy work in progress, but hope to have it almost completed by the time summer comes around
some things i plan to get:
desert marpat
cb land ciras
meu (soc) 1911
many other little things too
any suggestions are welcome :D

Desmodus February 8th, 2009 15:52


Originally Posted by immortalundead (Post 914776)
here is my start to a force recon loadout, its still a heavy work in progress, but hope to have it almost completed by the time summer comes around
some things i plan to get:
desert marpat
cb land ciras
meu (soc) 1911
many other little things too
any suggestions are welcome :D

Theres a guy on ArniesAirsoft named Grim who has done an FR load-out, I think you should contact him and he'll tell you exactly what you need.

wey ferro February 8th, 2009 15:53

immortalundead February 8th, 2009 16:03

thanks for the link wey ferro, was trying to find that one, and i also know about the arnies page, been lurking that for the last 2 months, slowly building a list of info on what i need. the info comes quick, its saving for gear that takes forever. :(

wey ferro February 8th, 2009 17:07

beastly February 21st, 2009 02:13

oh yea and immortal dead recon marines wear flight suits under there vests cause its fire proof and there ieds in iraq

immortalundead February 21st, 2009 11:20


Originally Posted by beastly (Post 924123)
oh yea and immortal dead recon marines wear flight suits under there vests cause its fire proof and there ieds in iraq

i know, but i'm aiming for an older impression, around 2005, similar to the guys in alpha company:iraq diary.

Vince April 19th, 2009 20:36

Green kit

OTV + side pros
FLC in CB with Eagle and SDS pouches

Decided to do without the LWH for that game, took off the OTV on second pic and put on my Goretex

KND April 19th, 2009 20:39

I just wonder aren't those PEQ II suppose to mount on the top of the rail to balance the gun ?


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