Airsoft Canada

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coach March 15th, 2012 21:10

Where are you located? You could do your AV and handle lots of different guns all in one stop on saturday at TAC '12.

Amberclad March 15th, 2012 21:16

I am located in Quebec , so if its Ontario or else its kinda hard to get there hehe there's only 2 people around my location that can get me AVed

Amberclad March 15th, 2012 21:27

If I go with this one , do you think I am gonna be good to play outside (where I want to play most ) ? or maybe with this one and mod it a little bit ?

kalnaren March 15th, 2012 21:32

You can play outside with ALL airsoft guns.

Where does this impression that only long barreled guns can compete outdoors come from? I've seen quite a few threads recently where newbies to airsoft seem to think that carbines and SMGs are only usable indoors.

Seriously, 90% of airsoft guns function pretty similar stock. You DO NOT need an upgraded, modded, or otherwise different gun to play outdoors. I've played outdoors with guns ranging from a stock P90, mildly upgraded FA-MAS, and heavily upgraded G36. All worked fine outside.





Because this thread is starting to become redundant, take a look at this:

Amberclad March 15th, 2012 21:45

Yeah so far I am going for the Classic Army M15A4 CQB the site where I found it (Canadian based) does not give a battery in the package and I have read that crane stock need a special battery , what is it?

HackD March 15th, 2012 21:49


Originally Posted by Amberclad (Post 1622848)
If I go with this one , do you think I am gonna be good to play outside (where I want to play most ) ? or maybe with this one and mod it a little bit ?

Regardless as to which one you buy, you will need to downgrade the FPS from the indicated velocity down to around 350 fps with a spring change to be fieldable, and in the end, reliable - for either gun. kalnaren is correct, in the end there isn't much of a difference in average 'reach out and touch someone' from gun to gun, much less difference in barrel length between regular and CQB for the same type of gun. Average engagement distances aren't all that long on most fields.

The differences between those two guns, IMHO, comes down to your own personal preference.

coach March 15th, 2012 21:54

Try reading more. The spoon you've been fed with fell on the floor and no one cares to look for it.

Kalnaren gives good advice. In fact it was given more than once and I'll expand on it. Since you are in Quebec, find out where the games are played. Go meet these people and check out what they play with. There's going to be a bit of every flavor as most people have different tastes. Get a feel for what works for you.

And again go read, read, read. There's a plethora of information on this site as well as google. If you've read that a crane stock takes a specific battery, you're almost there and can easily find which battery will fit/work.

JonsM4 March 15th, 2012 22:09

I guess internet text don't compute in OPS brain. So why don't you "Amberclad" talk with the age verifier that you'll be meeting up with and he can explain everything that you need to know.

Amberclad March 16th, 2012 09:11

Yeah Kalnaren pretty much sums it up . Well I have made my choice after reading and talking about it . I have read for some events that the FPS needs to be 350-400 but the gun i chose is 440 FPS what should I modify to downgrade it? Can I do it myself or seek the help of a gun doctor?

Kozzie March 18th, 2012 15:58

You need to down grade the spring. S90 or M100.

HackD March 18th, 2012 16:13


Originally Posted by Amberclad (Post 1623018)
Yeah Kalnaren pretty much sums it up . Well I have made my choice after reading and talking about it . I have read for some events that the FPS needs to be 350-400 but the gun i chose is 440 FPS what should I modify to downgrade it? Can I do it myself or seek the help of a gun doctor?

Told you what you needed to do, 3 posts up, and as per Kozzie's posting in reply. There are plenty of Youtube vid's on how to do a spring change on whichever version gearbox your gun will have.

mrfister March 18th, 2012 22:13

This is my next gun. Be a couple of weeks till i get it i think. G&G Max quality without max price

Tundra Arms M4 Blowback AEG - YouTube

Kozzie March 19th, 2012 16:30


Originally Posted by mrfister (Post 1624109)
This is my next gun. Be a couple of weeks till i get it i think. G&G Max quality without max price

Tundra Arms M4 Blowback AEG - YouTube

Blowback AEG.... MEH.

Aldo69 March 19th, 2012 23:11


Originally Posted by mrfister (Post 1624109)
This is my next gun. Be a couple of weeks till i get it i think. G&G Max quality without max price

Tundra Arms M4 Blowback AEG - YouTube

Looks really good, I want to see what that baby has inside, the blowback looks really crisp.

Styrak March 19th, 2012 23:22


Originally Posted by mrfister (Post 1624109)
This is my next gun. Be a couple of weeks till i get it i think. G&G Max quality without max price

Tundra Arms M4 Blowback AEG - YouTube

My first question would be, what is that gun a rebrand of?
May be just my eyes playing tricks on me but that looks like green hopup knobs, which means G&G.

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