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RecceGod January 15th, 2010 08:20


Originally Posted by AngelusNex (Post 967224)
even if it had a flash light, what's wrong with using 2 lights? I would (only in real steal world though) incase one fails. In airsoft I just wanna keep my gun as light as possible.


Originally Posted by -Skeletor- (Post 996471)
PEQ2 has an IR illuminater; which is alright. Also sometimes white light is better; an you can put an IR filter on the light aswell if you want a better IR light than then the PEQ2 illuminater.

Alot of troops are rocking this setup:

PEQ II which provides IR illumination and targeting (only visible with NVG on)
White light (for non NVG use) with removable IR filter (for NVG use). I'm sure you know when a white light can be used, especially in close quarter environment.

If you're acting as if in NVG mode, then the white light isn't necessary on your weapon, however people just leave them on and get used to the weight.

As for mounting the PEQ to the side, with C7A1 their isn't much choice because of TRIAD rail mount.

Also note that the PEQ user manual recommends to moung the unit to the top rail. But as Skeletor said, other items might require that space aswell.

RecceGod January 15th, 2010 08:21


Originally Posted by Vince S (Post 1142572)

Note the issue side pros (have the inserts inside as well)

That's one motherf#@%*ing huge dump pouch Vince!!!

JohnGol10 July 27th, 2010 16:21

Got my LWH in the mail yesterday, 2nd Gen. with pads, came with a CB neck gaitor, CB cat eyes band, and a one sided desert MARPAT cover (not the chinaman one) all for $100.
It was $79.80 w/o shipping.

Here's my idea for a modern Marine in A-Stan look (24th MEU-ish):* (Have already)**(Repro)
-LWH Gen.2 (Pads, not sweatband)*
-Reversible MARPAT Helmet Cover
-CB Cat Eyes band*
-PASGT NVG Plate and Rhino Swing Arm** mount
-Surefire HL-1 Helmet Light Gen.2**
-FROG Desert MARPAT Uniform
-Corcoran USMC Stamped Olive Mojave Boots (I know a place to get them for $79.99)
-Pantac SPC (2nd Version, better CB shade, has velcro in upper section and better cummerbund)
-Pantac CB Groin Protector
-Mix of Pantac/Flyye CB Pouches for ammo/utilities.
-Pantac CB duty belt w/leg panel for pouches not on SPC
-BHI CT Hydration Carrier
-Alta MOUT Kneepads

And the blasters :D:
-Surefire M961**
-STAR Foregrip
-EBB ACOG Killflash
-Dboy's Rear Sling Mount
-Pantac 1 Point Sling
-6 MAG Mid-Caps
-2 FDE MagPul 75 rnd. Pmags

Double Eagle M56DL (M1014)
-Milspex black 3 point sling
-8 Spare shells
And all the necessary items for airsofting... (batteries, water, BB's, speed loaders)

What do you think?

M4'sahhM4's September 9th, 2010 22:56

i like 2004 ish loadouts but i use more modern ones

Conker September 10th, 2010 00:33

I've been looking for the USMC Snow MARPAT oversuits for ages... Well I've found this:

Dunno if the website is legit tho...

And a bit expensive for snow oversuits that I'll use what, 2 times a year? But it's the first time I've seen them available for sale like this... I want them. I fucking want them. But considering I saw some of them go for 150$ a piece on eBay... it's not that bad either.

Vince September 10th, 2010 06:49


Originally Posted by Conker (Post 1312560)
I've been looking for the USMC Snow MARPAT coverall for ages... Well I've found this:

Dunno if the website is legit tho... A bit expensive for snow coveralls I'll use what, 2 times a year? But the first time I've seen them available for sale like this... I want them. I fucking want them.

Post it on W. SOmeone will def know if legit or not

Conker September 10th, 2010 07:32

Good point, will do!

bakercompany September 13th, 2010 11:43

Nice find, Conker! Let us know how it pans out.

Besides my greenside kit, the other setup I'm looking to finish revolves around a Scalable Plate Carrier. I don't have the coin to drop on a Pantac one, but Flyye has just released pics of theirs:

And, I just found one by "Shark Gear" on the RSOV site:

It looks awesome and the price is right, but I've never even heard of Shark Gear before. What do you guys think?

JohnGol10 September 13th, 2010 16:52

Wow dude, nice find. Seems like the first affordable, decent looking SPC on the market. The real question is definitely the quality though.

Looks like they also released an MTV:

bakercompany September 14th, 2010 10:14

I emailed Flyye last week about price and availability on their SPC, and the reply consisted of a link to their eBay store and eHobbyAsia. Not much of an answer, but something to keep an eye on I guess.

Flyye eBay store:

JohnGol10 September 14th, 2010 11:28


JohnGol10 September 15th, 2010 20:48

My woodland/MARPAT Greenside Recon kit, it's still a WIP.

Excuse the woodland boonie and hiking boots, they will be replaced soon by a MARPAT boonie and some Danner's.

Also picking up a woodland medium ALICE pack. Then in the near future a G&P M4 RAS, some sort of comms system, a SAW mag pouch, maybe an E-tool with the cover, and some other small stuff.

Also excuse the bulkiness of my head. The neck gaitor looks puffed out when over the ears, and the shemagh wasn't worn properly due to the fact that this was just a 5 minute photoshoot. Also excuse the straps, I'll police those up when I have a better looking rig.

JohnGol10 September 22nd, 2010 01:53

Has anyone ever seen this combination of gear?

LWH, Norotos, and MTV?

Conker September 22nd, 2010 02:40

Looks like a MICH to me, not an LWH. Based on the helmet cover, Norotos and patches I'd say Force Recon (so pre 2006) but I could be wrong. Indeed the MTV is kinda WTF but... not impossible per se.

JohnGol10 September 22nd, 2010 05:03

Maybe a MICH with an LWH chinstrap. You can tell by the OD color and leather near the ears.

Conker September 24th, 2010 11:49

Thanks to John for the link on the CAP! Pics of the inside to come.
I probably won't keep all these medical supplies except maybe the scissors and the CAT . The pack itself is really great and in perfect shape (took it out of the plastic lol!) For some reason there was one of the buckles missing, but I happened to have a couple ILBE replacement sets so not a big deal.
Left - my new corpsmen assault pack (basically the Recon assault pack with medical dividers). Center, the "classic" assault pack. Right, the "classic" main pack. Both are Gen2 (except the straps on the main pack).

JohnGol10 September 24th, 2010 14:27

Wow, you actually got it? That's great to hear!

pugs144 September 24th, 2010 17:26

I just saw this on ebay: The USMC ILBE Recon pack. A google search says it's got 1,000 cubic inches more capacity than the standard ILBE ruck.


Vince September 24th, 2010 17:31

Those Marine might be engineers. They are issued with MICH and Norotos mount. The vest are MTV or Spartans

FOX_111 September 24th, 2010 18:50

Conker: How much are these pack worth, empty?
I kinda want a large backpack for those very long recons...

JohnGol10 September 24th, 2010 20:25


Originally Posted by Vince S (Post 1321172)
Those Marine might be engineers. They are issued with MICH and Norotos mount. The vest are MTV or Spartans

I've always wondered where you come up with these answers... lol... you know more about Marines than someone who attends a Marine JROTC program... :D

J/k. Thanks for the answer.

Conker September 24th, 2010 20:28

FOX, depends which one you're talking about, and if you find a good deal. Get on MSN if you have some time ;)

FOX_111 September 24th, 2010 20:36

I mean, are they in the same price erea as Arc'terix backpacks?

Conker September 24th, 2010 20:37

Which one?
But anyway... they ARE Arc'Teryx ;)

FOX_111 September 24th, 2010 20:40

I have this knack for linking perfection in gear!
That's why I wanted them so much.

That also mean they will be hard as hell to find.

Conker September 24th, 2010 20:43

This is the "classic" ILBE main pack: Arc'Teryx Tango The "classic" assault pack is discontinued, but it was called the Charlie.
The Recon Main and Recon Assault aren't commercial yet, but they were announced some time ago.

FOX_111 September 24th, 2010 21:45

Ouch, 600$.
200-300$ I would have biten, but 600$!? Maybe much later.

Conker October 25th, 2010 16:04

John, you were asking about the quality of Shark Gear for their SPC. I ordered some stuff off RSOV and since they were cheap, added 3 Shark Gear pouches in CB. Quality and marksmanship seems pretty nice: no loose threads, what has to be parallel is, etc. But the color is quite a bit darker greenish than most issued gear I've seen. It's similar to Flyye, but even darker. Quality/price wise it's pretty nice though, and would I guess it would do the job in daylight.

Just note they use 900D and not 1000D like Flyye or Pantac.

JohnGol10 October 25th, 2010 16:06

'K. Thanks!

bakercompany October 28th, 2010 23:22


Originally Posted by Conker (Post 1338264)
John, you were asking about the quality of Shark Gear for their SPC. I ordered some stuff off RSOV and since they were cheap, added 3 Shark Gear pouches in CB. Quality and marksmanship seems pretty nice: no loose threads, what has to be parallel is, etc. But the color is quite a bit darker greenish than most issued gear I've seen. It's similar to Flyye, but even darker. Quality/price wise it's pretty nice though, and would I guess it would do the job in daylight.

Just note they use 900D and not 1000D like Flyye or Pantac.

Cool! I was going to grab a cheap pouch myself just to see, but you beat me to it. Any chance you could throw up a pic next to something Flyye and something issued? That Shark Gear SPC is tempting, since Flyye's taking so long to get theirs to retailers.

JohnGol10 October 31st, 2010 18:13

Lol, a grunt with a Wilcox mount:

Conker October 31st, 2010 18:28

Considering the Wilcox and the M4 (as opposed to the usual M16A4) it's most likely not a grunt.

Vince October 31st, 2010 18:40

And the Surefire flashhider... Screams MFR

JohnGol10 November 1st, 2010 02:38


Originally Posted by Conker (Post 1341604)
Considering the Wilcox and the M4 (as opposed to the usual M16A4) it's most likely not a grunt.


Didn't expect that, huh?

Anyway, grunts are being seen with a lot rarer stuff than in the past, such as TAP chest rigs, Norotos 1 Pt shrouds and the above Wilcox, M4's, and EI isn't the main pouch distributor anymore, it's more likely BAE Eclipse and Fire Force. And just maybe the flash hider is another one of these rare things with grunts.

JohnGol10 November 6th, 2010 00:43

I feel like a winner after picking up a PB IBA and reversible MARPAT cover for $40...

Pics when it gets in.

Conker November 6th, 2010 17:30

YouTube - Bravo Company 1/6 Marines in Helmand (Part 1/6)

Watch the 6 parts, great stuff! (found on

Around 11 min on vid 2, there's a Marine with a MICH, Norotos, Beretta in a SERPA on his chest... Is he EOD?

Vince November 6th, 2010 18:19

Yup they say it the complete docu
USMC EOD detachment sent with Bravo

Conker November 7th, 2010 01:54

In your opinion... what's a fair price for a brand new FROG suit? (pants & shirt) I'm looking at one right now...

Vince November 7th, 2010 08:09

I paid 45$ per piece for mine. There's LOAD on Ebay right. I actually had more trouble finding decently priced regular desert MARPAT than FROG

JohnGol10 November 7th, 2010 15:18

Found Danner RAT's for $20 and a brand new SPC for $100... should I go for it?

Conker November 7th, 2010 15:20

Dude... where the fvck do you find this for so cheap?

JohnGol10 November 7th, 2010 15:25

If I told you you'd end up buying it from me!

Already bought an IBA from there for $40. I might end up selling it though because apparently it was a bad idea to buy it according to fellow AS players in my area... >_<

Anyway, the website is closed on Sundays (It's locally based) so it'd be pointless to link it to you today.

It's basically Craigslist for Camp Lejeune and Pendleton.

If anyone wants to donate to the JohnGol10 Loadout Fund I'd be happy to take 'em... :p

Frozen Tex November 7th, 2010 20:05

A little Marine-ishness instead of my usual ACU look...

JohnGol10 November 7th, 2010 20:42

Looks nice Tex.

JohnGol10 November 8th, 2010 15:57

Mr. Postman arrived today and I received my Unicor IBA.

Pics very soon... very very soon...

JohnGol10 November 9th, 2010 14:52

It's high time I contributed to this thread.

Got a kind of "salty Marine" look w/ the ALICE-on-IBA.

And of course, the LWH.

Knife for teh lulz.

If anyone's looking to sell the throat/yoke and groin protector in CB for an IBA w/o the inserts PM me please... :)

JohnGol10 November 10th, 2010 18:08

Hey, who wants to trade a CB IBA for a WL one?

Vince November 10th, 2010 18:40

Keep the CB. They were around for Fantom Fury. The WL ones were mostly sported by reservist units. Most regulars by that time had full CB armors

MrEvolution November 10th, 2010 19:12

Happy 235th Bday USMC.

JohnGol10 November 10th, 2010 21:29


Originally Posted by Vince S (Post 1347716)
Keep the CB. They were around for Fantom Fury. The WL ones were mostly sported by reservist units. Most regulars by that time had full CB armors

I was just wondering 'cause I didn't know if they had the Unicor ones with the full PALS on the back though. For some reason I like WL on Desert MARPAT. o_O

Anyone got WL Interceptor attachments?

Vince November 10th, 2010 22:14

Yeah it look the part I must say. But you're right the fully MOLLEd back were mostly into theater in 2006-2007 along the Spartans prior to the MTV being fielded

JohnGol10 November 10th, 2010 22:38

Now I have to find a way to trade or sell it... which my dad won't take kindly to as he just bought it for me... -facepalm-

JohnGol10 November 11th, 2010 10:55

Found this pretty cool. An MEU readying up then executing a training mission:

You have to watch the planning first to watch them execute the mission.

Yannos November 11th, 2010 11:21

Pretty cool. Thanks for sharing.
Too bad you only see them get prepared. But cool nonetheless!

JohnGol10 November 11th, 2010 13:24

Lol watch all 6 videos and you see them execute the mission (You click on the text that pops up below).

Conker November 13th, 2010 17:47

Is there a girl around here wiling to do a FET impression? :D

Just saw these pics on People often don't realise that there's girls running in the Afghan sand, too.

JohnGol10 November 13th, 2010 21:44

Lol, we need a chick-softer for this thread:

:D :D

JohnGol10 November 18th, 2010 14:36

So my LWH is near complete. I have to check with my local hardware store to find a set of bolts and washers for it though. :(

Anyone know where to find side SAPI carriers for an IBA? *COUGH* Vince *COUGH*

Vince November 18th, 2010 16:34


Originally Posted by JohnGol10 (Post 1352551)
So my LWH is near complete. I have to check with my local hardware store to find a set of bolts and washers for it though. :(

Anyone know where to find side SAPI carriers for an IBA? *COUGH* Vince *COUGH*

Sold mine some time ago with the soft armor. Last I checked there was a set of PPI this week on Ebay

JohnGol10 November 18th, 2010 17:10

I wholeheartedly can say I hate you Vince.

J/k :p

It was going to go with a flightsuit for that period when they ran IBA + Side SAPI + Flightsuit.

But this is all the Marine gear pr0n you get for your insolence:

For those of you wondering, the sunglasses are Oakley SI M-Frames.

JohnGol10 December 5th, 2010 10:50

Missed the side SAPI's, so instead I bought 4 EI doubles, an SDS 200 rnd SAW mag pouch, Bijan's, and an IFAK. Pics when they get in... :D

Now all I need is a flightsuit, a groin protector and a yoke. Great. :(

Conker December 5th, 2010 10:55

Post when you got pics... it's not really interesting to be told "hey I got this" if there's nothing to see... IMHO. Else I'd be posting daily for the last two weeks LOL

JohnGol10 December 5th, 2010 16:53

Ha yeah no problem, this thread also needs a well deserved bump... :D

JohnGol10 December 9th, 2010 14:40

For Conker. :D

Eien December 29th, 2010 00:48

I was looking at some pictures over at militaryphotos and it seems like marines are wearing some sort of plate carrier? I'm no gear expert...

Conker December 29th, 2010 00:52

Hmmm.. yeah? And? I'm not sure what the point is, lol.

If you're looking for the type of plate carrier, there are a few types in USMC service but the one on that picture is an Eagle Industries Scalable Plate Carrier (SPC).

Yannos December 29th, 2010 00:53

SPC plate carrier.
IIRC Specialist started using them. Now a lot of marines where this. In Bravo Company you can see a lot of them.
YouTube - Bravo Company 1/6 Marines in Helmand (Part 1/6)!

Eien December 29th, 2010 01:19

Thanks Conker and Yannos. I just wanted to know what was the marine wearing (sorta interested doing a marine loadout), I know that MEU wears SPC but wasn't too sure in the picture because of the groin flap. I'll take a look at the video you linked Yannos.

wey ferro December 29th, 2010 01:23

It is an SPC you can see the cut at the top. it is the only one like it.
You can put a groin flap on anything.

Conker December 29th, 2010 01:25

Yeah the "Scalable" in the name comes from the fact that you can adapt it to different "scales" of threats with the optional armor components.

JohnGol10 December 31st, 2010 12:22

Correct me if I'm wrong, but most if not all deployed units are using the SPC. Though there may be some IMTV's out there.

And here's where you attach the groin protector to the SPC:

(Up top)

Silas January 16th, 2011 13:10

hey guys which do you think is better for USMC loadout vest/plate carrier?
or (or something looking like that)
please tell me i am curious :)

Vince January 16th, 2011 13:53

None of the one you posted...

The RICAS (a copy of the EI CIRAS) would only be good for a Force Recon / MSOC kit. The other well the design (but would have to be CB not Marpat) is alright for up to a 2006 kit, after that it was all MTV and now SPC

Silas January 16th, 2011 13:55

and what vest would you recommend then? :)

Vince January 16th, 2011 13:59


Originally Posted by Silas (Post 1388217)
and what vest would you recommend then? :)

Depends... Do you want an up to date kit or do you want to picture a certain time frame?

2001-2005 IBA either woodland or CB
2005-2008 MTV
2008-Now SPC

THe time frame of each model can overlap a bit, there was a majority of MTVs when the Marines came to Afghanistan but now it's all SPC for frontline units

Silas January 16th, 2011 14:04

well i wanted something that is used approximately in these years :)

JohnGol10 January 17th, 2011 12:46

Silly Vince, the MTV was released in 2007! :p

For the current time period, it would have to be an SPC. But there are still rotating units using MTV's and IBA's as well.

Silas January 17th, 2011 13:35

oh yeah also ... they are wearing MICH 2000 helmets and what else? 2001?2002? PASGT? :) thx

Conker January 17th, 2011 13:39

Grunts use the LWH which is based on the PASGT design.

The MICH2000 is used by EOD, Scout Sniper, Boarding teams, Recon Btn and MARSOC.

Vince January 17th, 2011 21:28


Originally Posted by JohnGol10 (Post 1388896)
Silly Vince, the MTV was released in 2007! :p

For the current time period, it would have to be an SPC. But there are still rotating units using MTV's and IBA's as well.

MTVs are for rear echelon units. IBA is for stateside training.

As for the MTV, the earliest use was in Ramadi '06 ;) (well technically a Spartan 2 for evaluation purpose but I would have lost most of the crowd on that one ahha)

Conker January 24th, 2011 14:32

A bunch of new stuff I got this weekend... That will help me for my MARSOC kit that's for sure. All real gear of course, USMC issue (or used by Marines even if not issued) except the two backpacks which were purchased from Army guys but they were so cheap I couldn't pass on them.

So basically, it's:
- MOLLE II Tricolor assault pack
- Camelback M.U.L.E. Woodland (got some krylon left, but otherwise like new... that was a deal I couldn't pass!)
- MCUU boonie (a large is still too small for me... dammit)
- 2x heavyweight FROG hoods
- 1x lightweight FROG hood
- Polartec boonie
- Polartec neck gaiter
- OR Crocodile gaiters
- Danners GoreTex 26025 (Missing one lace... dammit. Paracord? lol)
- APECS vest + pants
- FROG shirt + pants
- FROG undershirt
- MCUU blouse
- MICH pads (better than my chinese crap, but I'll eventually get a real MICH some time down the line)
- ??? handcuffs pouch
- 2x MOLLE II frag pouch
- FLC frac pouch
- 3x MSR inline filters for Source WXP 3L
- Surefire HL1 with red LEDs
- Surefire HL1 MOLLE mount
- KAC M203 leaf sight
- M203 vert grip

(oh and I won't need the M203 grip/M203 leaf sight/MATECH BUIS so feel free to PM me if you want it)

JohnGol10 January 24th, 2011 23:40

Any chance you'd split with that woodland Camelbak? ;)

-Skeletor- February 20th, 2011 15:23

Just got a USMC reversible field tarp

Not as cool as some of the stuff you guys got I know, but still cool IMO.

Think this is my third piece of USMC gear I've bought, first one was the woodland MARPAT/Coyote brown reversible poncho liner and the coyote brown fleece watch cap/toque.

JohnGol10 February 20th, 2011 20:33

Nah, it qualifies for the thread. :p

Looks cool though, but I think the CB part is actually the liner. :)

-Skeletor- February 20th, 2011 20:58


Originally Posted by JohnGol10 (Post 1414383)
but I think the CB part is actually the liner. :)


Talking about the tarp? It is reversible woodland MARPAT one side, the other is Coyote Brown, that's the tarp no liner.

JohnGol10 February 21st, 2011 00:38

I'm sort of confused about the reversible part, you mean it goes from woodland MARPAT to CB?

Conker February 21st, 2011 00:40

Yes. One side CB, one side MARPAT. Two sides total :)

JohnGol10 February 21st, 2011 01:23

Lol. Thanks for dumbing it down. :)

-Skeletor- March 7th, 2011 18:20

My USMC gear. Not going for a USMC collection or impression like you guys, just buying this stuff for work.

CB Fleece watchcap
MOLLE II Waist Pack
Reversible CB/MARPAT Poncho Liner
Reversible CB/MARPAT Field Tarp

Waist pack is the perfect size to carry a USGI poncho(improvised shelter) and poncho liner rolled up.

Uploaded with

Vince March 7th, 2011 20:48

Been actually thinking about picking up one of these tarp for hiking. Most of the time I go without a tent and just set up a shelter somewhere.

Tried it yet Mike?

-Skeletor- March 7th, 2011 21:40

Tarp just arrived in the mail today.

So far it's looking like it would be really good. Large size, I like that theres snaps along the edge on the tarp so you can snap ends together. It's light and packs up fairly small.

bakercompany March 8th, 2011 23:20

I've got one of those tarps. They're not bad. Honestly, I was a bit disappointed in the toughness:weight ratio; it's made of ultra thin MARPAT nylon ripstop (70D maybe?) with blackout coating laminated on the back to make it water resistant. This greatly increases the weight, and doesn't seem as durable as some of the other materials Duro is producing in Multicam for mil tarps.

Speaking of sweet USMC about an ILBE Corpsman Assault Pack for $99?

Quite a few USMC goodies on the site, actually.

megaman March 11th, 2011 00:40

Does anyone have any info on this stuff? Apparently it's called Snowpat and was trialed with marines but they never adopted it. This is the only pic i can find of it and would like to get a set of it if there is any available.

Conker March 11th, 2011 00:43

Yes it was adopted! Just not widely, it's only issued for winter/mountain training then the Corps usually takes it back (while most gear will stay with the Marine until he gets out of the Corps).

I posted some pics a few pages ago. It's indeed Snow MARPAT. Very hard to find... a set usually goes for about 300$ and I've only ever seen it in med-red and med-long. Look up eBay... If you do have that amount of money for this item, PM me. I know a guy in France that has one for sale.

megaman March 11th, 2011 00:53

Awesome thanks for the help.

At the moment i don't have the cash for it but now that i know where to look I'll probably pick some up for next year if i can find some then.


A team mate found this stuff and it's a hell of alot cheaper. Possibly not the same cut but still looks pretty rad.

Wantabe_Warrior May 27th, 2011 00:36

Is there any units in the marine corps that use the standard MARPAT uniforms and CIRAS vests?

Vince May 29th, 2011 09:46


Originally Posted by Wantabe_Warrior (Post 1473268)
Is there any units in the marine corps that use the standard MARPAT uniforms and CIRAS vests?

Force Recon
Recon Bn
Engineers (EOD)

Wantabe_Warrior May 29th, 2011 13:34

Thanks, wasn't sure if there were really used by the Marine Corps, none of the pics I could find showed any CIRAS.

Wantabe_Warrior July 8th, 2011 17:32

More kit questions: do the Marines use coyote brown or khaki for tactical equipment (vests, pouches, bags)?

Sluggo July 8th, 2011 17:37

Usually Coyote Brown, but sometimes you will see MARSOC/FR operators with a khaki plate carrier instead of CB.

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