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juicy March 17th, 2011 20:28

Here's what I've got so far. Missing a few things - Norotos mount, a handful of primary and secondary mags, some more Flyye .45 mag pouches... but that's the gist of my impression.

rc_p120 March 17th, 2011 20:36

Can you guys give me some insight into why MARSOC, and even SEALs, CAG and whoever else, will tend to wear a plate carrier separately over a soft armour vest like the PACA? As opposed to using an all-in-one system for both plates and kevlar like the CIRAS, RAV or a DBT vest? Why add different layers and more straps and things to adjust?

ex March 17th, 2011 20:38

In a nutshell if you have to strip off your second line you still have your armour on.

Conker March 17th, 2011 20:39

They use both. A CIRAS or MBAV includes soft armor and hard plates, and will be worn alone. MBSS doesn't have soft armor integrated, so they'll need hard plates.

juicy March 17th, 2011 20:51

+1 to both ex and Conker.

TBH, I still haven't gotten my PACA adjusted quite right... I've had it nearly a year now lol.

FOX_111 March 17th, 2011 23:58

How come? It's as simple as trowing it on and ajusting the velcros.

RecceGod March 18th, 2011 08:01


Originally Posted by ex (Post 1430828)
In a nutshell if you have to strip off your second line you still have your armour on.

a big plus when you have to lighten your load to work, like on a FOB when the threat level is higher than usual (no need to carry all you kit everywhere) or as you're diggin in (second line can be taken off and left on the ground within arms reach with you weapon), in a vehicle (if your the driver maybe), just to name a few example...

Yannos March 20th, 2011 12:45

DD M4A1 RIS II and all the rest coming this week? I THINK SO!

Yannos March 21st, 2011 15:47

BOYA! DD RIS II, DD low profil gas block, DD dring for G&P WOC in coming!
I already have my KAC front sight (thanks Drake!).

Can't freaaaking wait!

SHaKaL March 21st, 2011 20:28


Originally Posted by Conker (Post 1433218)
Arrrggg never quote the post right above! (especially not that one) LOL


JohnGol10 March 21st, 2011 20:28

My bad haha! :o

Conker March 21st, 2011 20:31

Oh nothing to see here, move along!

Anyway I got some goodness incoming too, all directly from an operator! :D
- Nivramus Tan with hard tan sheat
- Small EI CIRAS (don't actually know if it's FSBEII or SFLCS lol, I'll see when get it!)
- Peltors 6-S
- Bladetech holster
- Norotos 3-hole
- Norotos TAMT for PVS14

Can't wait :D

SHaKaL March 21st, 2011 20:31

Please explain.

JohnGol10 March 21st, 2011 21:33

Brakoo was already working on acquiring it.

Vince March 22nd, 2011 12:12

Either him or me, either way, an FSBE whore will end up with it haha

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